Healgen – Myoglobin Test


Myoglobin Test

The Myoglobin Rapid Test is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of human Myoglobin in serum, plasma or whole blood, as an aid in the diagnosis of myocardial infarction (MI). Myoglobin is a heme-protein normally found in skeletal and cardiac muscle with a molecular weight of 17.8 kDa. It constitutes about 2 percent of total muscle protein and is responsible for transporting oxygen within muscle cells. When muscle cells are damaged, Myoglobin is released into the blood rapidly due to its relatively small size. The level of Myoglobin increases measurably above baseline within 2 – 4 hours post-infarct, peaking at 9 – 12 hours, and returning to baseline within 24 – 36 hours.

Key Benefits:

– Easy to operate and simple interpretation.

– Room temperature storage or refrigerated (2-30⁰C).

– Internal control included.


– Cut-off: 50 ng/mL

– Sensitivity: 94.0%

– Specificity: 95.6%

– Specimen: Whole Blood, Serum, Plasma

– Time to Results: 10 minutes

– Shelf Life: 24 months from the date of manufacture

The Myoglobin Rapid Test is not available for sale in the US. For EU and other countries Please contact us for more information.

Ordering Information

Product DescriptionSpecimenCatalog No.FormatCut-off ValueKit SizeRegulatory Clearance
Myoglobin Rapid Test CassetteWB/S/PGDMYO-402a√Cassette50 ng/mL25 Tests/KitEU CE-IVDD