Healgen – Nuclear Matrix Protein 22 (NMP22)


Nuclear Matrix Protein 22 (NMP22)

The Nuclear Matrix Protein 22 Test (NMP22) is an in vitro immunoassay intended for the qualitative detection of the nuclear mitotic apparatus protein (NUMA), which is an abundant component of the nuclear matrix proteins, in urine of persons with risk factors or symptoms of bladder cancer or with a history of bladder cancer. This assay provides only a preliminary result. Clinical expertise and professional judgment should be sought to further evaluate the result of the test.

The Nuclear Matrix Protein 22 Test (NMP22) is not available for sale in the US. For EU and other countries Please contact us for more information.

Ordering Information

Product DescriptionSpecimenCatalog No.FormatCut-Off ValueKit SizeQualification
Nuclear Matrix Protein 22 TestUrineGENMP22-102aCassette10 U/mL25 Tests/Kit/