Healgen – Oral Fluid Device


Oral Fluid Device

The Oral Fluid Drug Test is a lateral flow chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of single or multiple drugs and drug metabolites in oral fluid.

Key Benefits:

– Observed collections without privacy issues.

– Highly accurate, sensitive and specific.

– Easily administered test procedure.

– Customized configurations available.


– Shelf life: 24 months.

– Storage: 2-30°C.

– Time to results: 10 minutes.

Ordering Information

Product DescriptionFormatCut-off ValueQualification
Amphetamine (AMP) TestDevice50/40 ng/mLCE
Barbiturates (BAR) TestDevice300/50/30 ng/mLCE
Benzodiazepines (BZO) TestDevice50/20/10 ng/mLCE
Buprenorphine (BUP) TestDevice10/5 ng/mLCE
Carisoprodol (SOMA) TestDevice300 ng/mL/
Cocaine (COC) TestDevice50/20/10 ng/mLCE
Codeine (COD) TestDevice10 ng/mLCE
Cotinine (COT) TestDevice50/30/10 ng/mLCE/510(k)
Ecstasy (MDMA) TestDevice60/50 ng/mLCE
Fentanyl (FEN) TestDevice10 ng/mLCE
Hydromorphone (HMO) TestDevice300/150 ng/mL/
Ketamine (KET) TestDevice100/50 ng/mLCE
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) TestDevice25/10 ng/mLCE
Marijuana (THC) TestDevice50/40/30/25/15/12/10/5/4/3 ng/mLCE
Methadone Metabolite (EDDP) TestDevice20 ng/mLCE
Mephedrone (MEP) TestDevice50 ng/mL/
Methadone (MTD) TestDevice75/50/30 ng/mLCE
Methamphetamine (MET) TestDevice50 ng/mLCE
Methaqualone (MQL) TestDevice150/100 ng/mLCE
Methcathinone (MTC) TestDevice50 ng/mL/
3,4-Methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) TestDevice200/100/50 ng/mLCE
Methylphenidate (MPD) TestDevice50 ng/mL/
Methylphenidate HCL (MPD HCL) TestDevice50 ng/mL/
6-Monoacetylmorphine (6-MAM) TestDevice25/15/10/5/4 ng/mLCE
Morphine (MOP) TestDevice15 ng/mLCE
Opiate (OPI) TestDevice50/40/10 ng/mLCE
Oxycodone (OXY) TestDevice50/40/20 ng/mLCE
Phencyclidine (PCP) TestDevice10 ng/mLCE
Phenytoin (PHEN) TestDevice150/100 ng/mL/
Pregebalin (PGB) TestDevice100 ng/mL/
Propoxyphene (PPX) TestDevice50/20 ng/mLCE
Synthetic Marijuana (K2) TestDevice25/10/5 ng/mLCE
Tramadol (TRA) TestDevice100/50 ng/mLCE
Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCA) TestDevice100 ng/mLCE
Zolpidem (ZOL) TestDevice25 ng/mL/
Zopiclone (ZOP) TestDevice25 ng/mL/
Alcohol (ALC) TestDevice0.05/0.02%CE